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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  February 13, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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we had reason to believe that was christopher dorner. >> after day on the run witnesses spotted him tuesday afternoon not far from where his burned out truck was found on thursday. authorities say the suspect held two women hostage in a home and a victim was hilton's wife. >> he broke in and tied them up. they are okay. they are fine. >> police say the suspect carjacked a second vehicle. after a police chase, he ditched the car and took off on foot. that led to a shootout. the tense moments were captured on the air dug the newscast -- during the newscast. >> another life was taken. >> unfortunately one of our deputies passed away adds a result of his injuries. >> accused much three murders he promised to continue killing officers and their families in retaliation for being fired from the lapd.
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he wrote in his alleged onlineman fest oh there would be no negotiations and an intense stand off with swat teams led to more shots being fired and then this massive fire. authorities tell abc news the body found in the cabin is believed to be christopher dorner but they are waiting to use forensic testing to positive ly identify those remains. reporting live in los angeles for abc7 news. >> i understand you were able to learn additional information about the stand off, the actions of the swat team? >> they used an armored vehicle in the stand off situation. we are told they were able to break out the cabin windows and throw a gas canister inside. the suspect refused to come out the associated press say authorities said the armored vehicle was able to literally peel the walls off of the cabin. what we could see is the fire
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that ensued in the big blackball. >> such drama. we await the identification. thank you for that report from los angeles. >> we are following breaking news in contra costa county where a pittsburg police officer was shot last night while chasing a suspect. he was treated and released from the hospital. it happened at 11:30 last night. the officer returned fire and shot the 30-year-old suspect who is now in the hospital. here is a live look from the scene where police are still investigating. they will only say the man was wanted on outstanding warrants for weapons and drug charges. our reporter will have a live report from the scene coming up in 30 minutes. >> so much happened overnight. the temperatures dipped overnight. >> they did, indeed. >> in some areas, it is cooler because of a lack of cloud
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cover. you can see the cloud cover pulling away from the coast. we still have the fog to contend with mostly up 101 from novato santa rosa. temperatures right now are in the mid 30's, so, black ice is not a concern but something to watch the next hour to hour and a half as we have not reached our lows just quite yet. inland we can be around 32 for lows to 35. sunshine this afternoon and up to 66 and a calm evening at 46 to 54. you need a coat. >> we have a sig-alert southbound 680, traffic is backing and you can see by the app there is a sig-alert, three lanes blocked, one lane is getting by. i want to show you a picture posted by a wave spotter with the traffic and a big rig here and lots of bumper-to-bumper
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traffic and that is happening here. elsewhere, in san francisco, we have another severe accident and that is at 101 and 280 in san francisco and that is also a problem with emergency crews on the scene and in san jose, 280 at 680101 first reports of an accident, two lips -- lanes there, left lanes blocked. >> santa clara residents are back at home after the bomb squad found explosives in a neighbor's house. he is behind bars. cornell bernard is live with that story. cornell, this was an explosive surprise? >> totally explosive surprise for a lot of people. the c.h.p. came to this house after the suspect made a threat against a public official. that led to a surprise discovery inside the house of homemade explosive devices. the bomb squad destroyed them right here in the front yard
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right away. police say the homemade bombs and chemicals found inside the house remain destroyed. surveillance video shows that is what they did. sky 7 flew over the house. neighbors are looking and saying nothing exploded before today. neighbors say the 45-year-old lived here for 20 years but rarely said a word to anyone and is wanted for making a threat against a public official. we do not know who. that led police to search the house. >> there was no detonation in the neighborhood. it could have been catastrophic. >> he keeps to himself. >> he wore camouflage and claimed to be communicating with
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people living in the mountains through two-way radio and was arrested for detonating an explosive device but we don't know when and where that happened. the investigation continues here in santa clara. live in santa clara this morning for abc7 news. >> thank you, a search is underway in contra costa county for thieves targeting the homes of law enforcement officials. police say several homes have been hit. they are not revealing the neighborhoods but the thieves have stolen guns, jewelry, and electronics from several homes in the area including those belonging to law enforcement. >> a man accused of a terror plot to blow up an oakland bank will appear firm court today. the 28-year-old suspect is a taliban sympathizer would planned to destroy the bank of america. he was arrested after he tried to detonate a bomb in a car parked at the bank. investigators say an undercover
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f.b.i. agent helped design something that looked like a bomb but was harmless. civil rights advocates and his former attorney question whether he was capable of the plot on his own. they say he has a documented mental illness which will make him incapable of plotting the attack without help. >> president obama will sign an executive order to protect computer them works from cyber attacks, the most comprehensive plan yet including the developing of security standards that businesses and government agencies can follow. it directs uss defense and intelligence agencies to share classified threat information with american companies. >> president obama hits the road for floor days to rally support for the economic initiatives he presented in the state of the union address. he will be in asheville, north carolina today, and asked congress to pass election allowing homeowners to refinance at current rates. he wants high quality pre-school
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made available and for congress to take up immigration reform. the biggest applause was challenging congress to vote on gun control. >> it deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the other communities ripped only by gun violence they deserve a simple vote. >> in the republican response, senator rubio of florida said more government will not help people get ahead. >> speaker boehner says immigration reform is the only item on the president's agenda that has a chance of passing this year. >> now the weather forecast. >> some places fog this morning and mike nicco has the details. >> tracking the fog on the 101 core store in the north bay. it will be a lot like yesterday up there for the morning commute. temperatures run from 34 in napa and santa rosa to the mid-40's
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around oakland and san francisco and 43 and 44 and right now we have 41 in fremont and mountain view and 44 in antioch and everyone else in the mid-to-upper 30's. we are starting off brighter this morning, the clouds are not as prevalent around san francisco and oakland as yesterday, and we will still be cool and 34 inland to low 40's around the bay and coast. by the time you get to noon we will be in the mid-to-upper 50's and topping out in the low-to-mid 60's for the afternoon. it will be very nice to be outside. we will be in the low-to-mid 60's under a clear sky. now, the forecast, a couple more days, tomorrow is valentine's day and it looks like nice weather and a high of 70 on friday before a cooling trend and saturday is not bad at low 60's at the coast and mid-to-upper 60's for the rest of us. >> a couple of problem spots already this morning in san francisco, an injury accident southbound 101 still blocking
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two lanes, and emergency and ambulance is on scene and they expect 30 minutes before it is out of there. hopefully by 5:45 at the latest and we will follow that for you and the abc7 app shows the other problem southbound 680, three lanes remain blocked and traffic is stacking up toward and you will find major, major traffic jam here. to navigate around this there is no alternate but you can download the app at google play to get you around. >> police are forced to evacuate a bus stop near a major mall in the east bay and the item that police say was meant to cause a scare. >> in san mateo county, a water leak kills hundreds of fish. the dangerous discovery and what is being
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>> santa clara, san francisco, east bay and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> 5:15. police will review surveillance video to try to find the person who left a fake hand grenade near a great wall. someone report as suspicious looking pack only on a bench at the great mall light station. a bomb team took away the device and they say it looked like a
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sill december with wires sticking out. police believe it was left deliberately to cause a scare. >> police are asking for the public's health if track down a bank robbery suspect. they releaseed this surveillance photo in the hopes someone will recognize him. the robber is described as being over 6' 3" with a thick build. he entered the bank of america last friday and handed the teller a note demanding money. the teller did not comply with the demands. the man left the bank, then, on foot. >> a spill of drinking war has killed scores of fish on the peninsula. a pipe burst on saturday by 280 and 92 sending thousands of dollar a minute of chlorine water into the creek which is toxic to fish. a neighbor found dozens of dead fish. >> some were floating to the top, some were on the banks but
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in seven or eight pockets i checked where i can see fish, no live activity and all just dead fish scattered on the bottom of the stream. >> workers spent several days picking up dead fish. official say the pipe is from 1932 and it was about 5' underground. >> supervisor is worried that the city could be on the look for presidents in expenses from the cup race and is calling for hearings on the expenses. the america's cup organizing company which is raising the money is not living up to their pledge and he says he doesn't want the city to end up "subsidizing this event for the wealthiest people in the world." >> i don't know if it is sailing weather but it is pretty nice. >> the winds will not be so aggressive as they were yesterday. now, high pressure is re-establishing itself without
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the clouds we had yesterday morning. it is still hazy. looking to the south along the east bay freeway. live doppler 7 hd shows clouds over the ocean. that is where they will stay. they will try to make a late push across san francisco and over to oakland and the next hour. it is the fog that is the big issue in the north bay. where temperatures are nearing freezing in santa rosa, black ice could be an issue the next hour as we are still not at our coldest temperatures of the original and will drop a couple of degrees. 33 in santa rosa is the cool spot and we have 39 in san jose. dress for temperatures in the upper 30's to low 40's around monterey and salinas because of the fog and gilroy is cool and clear at 34 degrees. we will all see sunshine dead and it will be another mild day.
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patchy fog is possible near the coast and in the north bay and otherwise a clear and relatively mild night but not so cold as this morning. our warmest highs, tomorrow and friday, slightly cooler this weekend and we will finally have a chance of showers a week from now, next tuesday. today, we are 58 at half moon bay and 60 in san francisco, and richmond, and oakland is 62 and 64 in concord and san jose and 65 in santa rosa. headed to the monterey bay, low-to-mid 60's and inland in the mid-60's. tonight, a lot of upper 30's to mid-40's out there, and we have 47 in san francisco, the warm spot, as usual. high pressure is dominating our weather again and you can see the storm track well to the north and that is where it will stay all the way through the weekend. temperatures in the mid-to-upper 60's tomorrow after being in the low-to-mid 60's today. and mid-60's to 70 on friday, and you can see we are very mild
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through saturday and sunday, temperatures are cool, back to average at 50's in the coast and low 60's for the rest of us and temperatures in the mid-to-upper 50's with a chance of showers on tuesday. >> there is a sig-alert for an injury accident in san francisco southbound 101 two lanes are blocked with ambulance on the scene and emergency crews. traffic is backing up now and they are estimating another 25 or 30 minutes before they get that cheered -- cleared. south 680, the accident has jammed it up further to pleasanton southbound 680 with a sig-alert, three left lanes are blocked. one lane getting by, no estimated time of opening for this injury accident. kristen and eric? >> if you are waiting for the iphone 6, don't hold your breath. we will explain in the bloomberg business report. >> some lucky shoppers got to
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meet a 49ers legend in san francisco. francisco. >> joe man at a dry cleaner, francisco. >> joe man we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natura no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. eetness naturally.
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>> welcome back at 5:23. >> banana joe is the top back, the five-year-old affenpinscher was named "best in show" at westminster last night and won 86 big shows but not like this, the first affenpinscher to take
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top honors at west minute officer. they are no one for monkey like faces. the word means "ape like" in german, and the dogs are from germany. >> taco bell could have an appetizing announcement today. >> we have the business report from jane king. >> merger talk so air fares could go higher, american and u.s. u.s. air could vote on whether to combine so it could mean fewer seats. if you look to save money on plane tickets buy them on the weekend. researchers say tickets purchased on the weekend are 5 percent cheaper. taco bell is working on new happy hour dollar drinks and dollar foods and developing new dorito tacos.
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apple headquarters are busy, with 100 product designers working on a new wrist watch suggesting a push to smart watch territory is far beyond the "experimental" phase. but fans may have to wait for iphone 6 because it may not be introduced until june of 2016. that is the bloomberg business report. >> big thrill for 49er fans as a legend pitched a popular clothing store in san francisco. joe montana took time to greet shoppers yesterday at union square. he posed for photographs and gave out autographs at a japanese clothing store. he said he was proud of the way the team ended the season.
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>> wait! is that uniqlo clothing? >> i wouldn't know. thank you for adding that in. >> i saw the "16" on the suit. >> legend. >> great day to be out there. >> i imagine he did not kaepernick. >> he doesn't need to. >> maybe a shuffle but no kaepernicking. >> temperatures today are above average again. napa 64, four degrees warmer. livermore is 63. oakland is of 62. san jose, 64. san francisco is at 60. it is dry wherever you travel across the state. mid-to-upper 60's in the central valley and big sir and 49 in tahoe and 63 in san diego. >> we have two sig-alerts, one
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in san francisco with an injury accident. but it has been pushed to the far right lane and they do not expect that to be open for another 20 minutes or clear for 20 minutes. and southbound 680, traffic is backed because of an injury accident blocking three left lanes. >> lady gaga is revealing a secret injury that is forcing her to postpone four shows. she says she is suffering from severe joint inflammation, and cannot walk and is heart sick to postpone upcoming shows. she tweeted she injured herself during a performance and her condition has worsened and says she hid it from her staff. the tour will continue in philadelphia february 19. >> breaking news from contra costa county, an officer is shot and sent to the hospital.
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>> it appears the manhunt for a suspected cop kill has ended in southern california. the overnight discovery in the charred ruins of the cabin and new dramatic vide
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>> abc7 news starts right now with live breaking news. >> good morning, thanks for joining us. >> the breaking news comes from the east bay where police are tracing the steps that led up to a gunfight between a pittsburg police officer and a suspect that left both wounded. amy is live in pittsburg with the latest on the story. amy? >> police are still here, still looking for evidence here. they is blocked off maple street in pittsburg but they do think
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they have their man. a 30-year-old man shot at police. he hit one of the officers. both officers returned fire. they shot him. the suspect is in the hospital. he is under arrest. police say he is in stable condition. they say the officer is okay. he was treated at the hospital. he was released. this happened at 1111 -- 11:30 last night. he ran from police and he shot at them the officers believe they will be leader for a while for get answers do their questions. >> there is an extensive crime scene. we will look how many spots were fired. we have evidence. it is an active crime scene in the sense there is a lost -- a lot of evidence there. >> it appears that police took
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other men into custody last night but they say they brought them in for questioning. they believe the man in the hospital is the one and only suspect. police will thought say why they were trying to approach the man last night. they will only tell us he has an extensive criminal history involving weapons and drugs and they say there are warrants out for his arrest. >> more on developing news from southern california. a charred body was found inside a cabin near big bear the site of a shoot out of accused cop i killer christopher dorner. >> we have a new video that keepture add shoot out before the discovery of a charred body. as you said, authorities just confirmed the finding of the charred body and that came after false reports they found a body earlier in the evening but take a look and listen to this. this is closeup footage on the
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ground near the cabin during the stand off with a man believed christopher dorner. it shows what appears to be police throwing an object to the cabin and what sounds likenedless gunfire. police at the cabin told abc they saw dorner enter the cabin but not leave. all of this came after dorner allegedly tide up two women and burglarized a different cabin, carjacked a man and exchanged gunfire with fish and wildlife officers and san bernardino were deputies, and one deputy died. >> the man who was carjacked is telling his story. >> he had a big rifle at me in the truck. i stopped. put my truck in park. my hands up. >> he asked to take his dog with him and dorner reportedly said "take your dog and go." the cabin where all of this came to an end burned for hours yesterday and it was too hot and
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too dangerous for law enforcement to go in. when they ultimately did they found a body. authorities believe it is dorner but the san bernardino county sheriff says identification will be attempted through forensic means. that could take days. the sheriff has scheduled a news conference for this afternoon. >> a memorial is set for the riverside police officer, michael crane, who dorner is accused of killing on thursday. the governor will attend the service. the 34-year-old was gunned down in an ambush while on the manhunt for dorner. crane leaves behind a wife and two young children. we will have continuing coverage of the story with more throughout the morning. can you get urgent updates on your smartphone by downloading our free ap. the web team is also sending updates when we get them by twitter and you can told us at abc7 news bay area.
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>> now the weather forecast. it is chilly. >> now over to mike nicco, our meteorologist. >> happy hump day. seven-day outlook shows less cloud cover than this time yesterday. it is dry. temperatures are running from 33 in santa rosa where we have thick fog and black ice is a concern to 46 in san francisco. oakland is at 43 and 39 at san jose. highs are going to run from the mid-to-upper 50's and not so breezy at the cost and more sunshine and 359 to 64 around the bay and warmer inland at 62 to 66. >> two separate alerts now, southbound 680, you can see on our abc7 waves app traffic is backed up with three left lanes blocked and injuries, emergency crews are on the scene. look at highway 84, it is backing up, now, in the
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southbound direction. so, no good alternate but you have to wait this out and you can download the abc app at apple app and google play. and south wrote we left lane to san francisco, it is blocked but it should be cleared in half an hour. >> new this morning, investigators are trying to determine the cause of a warehouse fire after flames were reported last night at a warehouse on grove street. firefighters arrived and found flames spread to the roof and the building was fully engulfed. they called in help to battle the fire and it took crews 90 minutes to control the flames. no reports of injuries. >> developing news from santa clara, investigators are at a home after finding homemade bombs and chemicals and blowing them up.
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authorities detonated the materials after putting in a hole they dug in the front yard. c.h.p. officers found the explosives while serving a search warrant on 45-year-old yesterday. officials say the defendant was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon and detonating an explosive device. police will not say when or where this happened. at 6:00 we will take you live to the scene for a report from abc7 news reporter cornell bernard. >> pope benedict has wrapped up the first public appearance since the announcement of the stunning resignation. he marked the first day of lent say he is doing this for the good of the church. he'll celebrate ash wednesday
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at st. peter's. >> president obama is headed to north carolina today to start rallying support if -- of the job creation will unveiled in the "state of the union" address wanting congress to focus on improving voting procedure and lowering energy use and raising minimum wage saying wages have barely moved and corporate profits have skyrocketed. >> tax cozy that -- code that lowers incentives to move job overseas. that is what tax reform can deliver. that is what we can do together. >> in the republican response, accept rubio of florida said more government will not help people get ahead. >> tax increases and deficit spending you propose will hurt middle class families. it will cost them their races, it will cost their benefits, and may even cost them their jobs.
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>> speaker boehner says immigration reform is the only item on the president's agenda that has a chance of passing this year. >> facebook c.e.o. zuckerberg can expect unfriendly crowds outside his home today prompting to show up in force outside his palo alto home where he is hosting a fundraiser for new jersey governor chris christie who is seen as being a top representative presidential candidate in 2016. san francisco progressives are angry with christie for cutting millions from women's health services in his state. >> here is another number for you, 32, that is what mike's thermometer was reading. >> a good excuse to turn on your seat warmers. >> don't have any. >> eric does! >> wife does! >> you are a smart man. >> hopefully that will translate into tomorrow, also.
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got a tweak. john tweeted about 100' visibility on the marin and sonoma county border because of the fog. be careful. the report are stations less than quarter at novato and half mile at an that rose. we will be in the mid-30's inland. we will start to see temperatures jump up at 7:00, and low 40's for the rest of us and mid-to-upper 50's so, nice, during the lunch hour to be out and about and comfortable all afternoon with low-to-mid 60's and not bad in the evening, under clear sky dropping down in the low-to-mid 50's. the warm weather. will reach up to nearly 70 on saturday. a chance of rain was found in the forecast and i will have that in five minutes. >> two sig-alerts. south 680, three lanes remain
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blocked here and you can see highway 84 is backing up and it is really a ground all the way back to pleasanton. and injuries are involved, and still waiting for a tow truck, and only one lane is getting by. the other problem spot is san francisco, south 101, a mustang and a taxi got into an energy accident, and one person taken to the hospital and it is now clear to the left hand lane. the traffic is getting by here and they should have this cleared out of all lanes in the next 20 minutes or so. kristen? >> 5:41. students targeted in santa cruz. what happened to the uc student who was waiting at a bus stop? back to court, what has barry back to court, what has barry bonds appearing before a fede [ woman ] don't forget the yard work! okay.
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makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> los altos, petaluma, and antioch and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> welcome back at 5:44. berkeley police say officers shot and killed two pit bulls after attacking an officer in richmond while serving a search
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warrant yesterday when they attacked bite an officer in the arm. they belong to the person who lived at the house. in word on the type of warrant. >> santa cruz student was shot in the head during a robbery at a bus stop and is recovering. here is a sketch of the man, the 21-year-old woman says he snuck up behind her and said empty your pockets and she complied but then the suspect shot her. the suspect drove off and she ran away. she thought she was hit with the butt of a require fell but at the shop she found she had a bullet in her skull. >> incredibly dangerous behavior. it is very concerning and tells you that it is likely not the first time into this kind of activity. i'm concerned about thisville's ability -- this individual's ability to strike again. >> there was a crime alert issued to all students and staff. officers are out today searching
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the area again. >> former giants slugger barry bonds will ask a federal appeals court in san francisco to overturn the felony obstruction of justice conviction. a three judge panel from arizona will hear arguments from bonds' attorneys arguing that he was convicted for giving a rambling answers that had nothing to do with a grand jury probe into the steroids scandal. however, the prosecutors have said bonds gave intentionally false and misleading or evasive answers when he testified in 2003 about the use of performance-enhancing drugs. >> san jose will join san francisco in the fight against proposition 8, california's same-sex marriage ban vote last night in favor of adding the city to san francisco's supreme court brief challenging the constitutionality of proposition 8 that saves san jose the expense of drawing up its own brief. the only no vote was from the mayor. next month the supreme court will review proposition 8 and
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the defense of marriage act that denies federal benefits from gay and lesbian married couples. >> i am interested in the word "showers" that have been located? >> possibly some snow, too. so i got everyone's attention. now, the seven-day outlook shows at the back end of the seven-day forecast the we get through the holiday weekend without the threat of wet weather but next week we have a chance of scattered showers and snow here is a look from the camera, quiet from san francisco to the port of oakland with a lack of clouds. we see them on live doppler 7 hd with clouds over the ocean but most of live doppler 7 hd is dry in the coverage area. we still have fog up north. now, the rainfall, except for
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sacramento is above average, but everyone else is below average with santa rosa close at 99 percent but san jose is only 86 percent of average rainfall for the rage which runs from july 1 of last year to june 30 of this year. we will talk about temperatures, how to dress when you step out, 33 in santa rosa with fog, so black ice is still a concern the next hour or so. we have a lot of mid-to-upper 30's until fremont and oakland and san francisco, and low-to-mid 40's there and upper 30's in the monterey bay and inland, 34 in gilroy. sunny today, patchy fog is possible tonight. the warmest high is tomorrow and friday and cooler this weekend but still, mild, our coolest weather comes in with the showers on tuesday. today, a lot of sunshine out there and maybe a few clouds along the coast keeping you in the upper 50's. and 60's in san francisco and richmond, and 65 today in santa
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rosa for the warm spot and 64 in concord and san jose and 62 in oakland and now, to the south, low-to-mid 60's around the monterey bay and mid 60's to morgan hill and salinas. tonight, upper 40's to -- rather, upper 30's to mid-40s and san francisco is warm warmer we will have dry weather over the top of us with the jet stream and mid-to-upper 60's tomorrow for valentine's day and mid 60's to 70 on friday and the temperatures drop a couple of degrees and by monday we are back to average with 50's at the coast and low 60's at the bay and mid-to-upper 50's with a chance of showers on tuesday. sue? >> adding insult to injury in san francisco, this sig-alert accident was in the clearing stages and the accident in the far right shoulder traffic was getting by but because of the distracted drivers a new accident first reported three vehicles involved at the same
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spot blocking the left lane and, again, it is first reports from the c.h.p. is we will follow-up on that and it looks like southbound 680 this accident is wrapping up, three lanes right now still remain blocked and the backup is on to highway 84 and 680 backed up and it is a grind. hopefully that will be cleared the next few minutes. we will follow it right here from abc7. >> just about 5:50. two tugboats will tow a crippled cruise ship to alabama days after it was stuck in the gulf of mexico. the ship has been stranded since sunday after an engine fire crippled the ship. 4,000 passengers and crew were on board, dealing with limited power, sanitation issues and food short averages and today the coast guard and the national transportation safety board are headed to mobile, alabama, where the ship should arrive tomorrow and carnival will issue refunds
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to passengers and give them credit towards a future cruise. >> which i am sure they cannot wait to redeem. >> it could be a while before they leave the ocean again. >> a top university is going to get more expensive, how much more students have to pay. >> the price to ride bart is also going up, why the transit agency says they need to charge passengers more to ride the trains. >> after 6:00, harsh words for the state of the union, who is stepping forward to call the entire event a childish specific
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>> this morning, transportation leaders will consider the expensive celebration to mark the opening of the bay bridge's new eastern span. a $5.6 million price tag is the estimateed cost for the celebration, which allows 125,000 to walk across the bridge. the city hope as private group will pick up the tab but critics fear taxpayers are stuck with the bill. a nonprofit group is raising money for several races and fireworks show that are part of the celebration. >> bart rider could pay more for. cot mr. obama discussing a proposal to increase fathers by 5 percent next year raising the average fair by 18 cents to $3.62 a ride adding $1.85 to a
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weekly round-trip commute. bart says it is necessary to keep up with inflation and increases fares in 2016, 2018, and 2020 and increase parking rates at some of the busy lots of bart. >> prices always going up. >> temperatures, not the case. visibility is definitely not the case. >> mike? >> we would like to see our percentage of normal snow fall. today it is 78 in the sierra. that is only today. april 1, the end of the snow season, we are only at half of what we are supposed to have. there is know snow in the forecast. sunshine and 49 at tahoe and mid-to-upper 60's through the central valley and 70's around los angeles and palm springs. sue? >> the traffic here is not, we just had good news reported the sig-alert is lifted. all lanes are open at south 680 but the damage is done.
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it is backed to pleasanton. highway 84 is backed to livermore. hopefully we will see the recovery soon. southbound 101, this sig-alert is still in affect. we had a new accident reported in the same area in the left lane. southbound leaving san francisco there is a jam up and you may want to take the 280 extension. >> parents, listen up, tuition at stanford is going up next year. with the board voting to raise tuition by 3.5 percent. undergraduates will pay $56,400 a year for room, board, and tuition starting in the fall. the increase affects ungraduates, general graduate students, graduate engineering students and medical and law students and the board raised tuition by 3.9 percent for first year n.b.a. students. officials point out they offer $130 million a area in financial aid to offset the cost.
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>> women considering getting pregnant may want to load up on a particular supplement to prevent autism. researchers looked at the records of 85,000 and found mothers that took folic acid were less likely to have children with autism spectrum disorder and those who did not take it doubled the risk. taking it only later if pregnantty did not help. >> we lose our sense of smell with age. the "wall street journal" reports by the age of 60 half of all people lose part of their ability to smell. that number jumps to 75 percent by the age of eighth but there are exercises can you do at home to sharpen your sense of smell including sniffing different scents which will train the brain and prolong your ability to smell.
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>> next at 6:00, breaking news from contra costa county, the shooting sends a police officer to the hospital. >> an explosion rock as neighborhood, and a volatile discovery leading to the blast. >> developing news from southern california. the overnight discovery in the rubble of the burned down cabin where suspected cop killer christopher
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good morning, on wednesday morning. i am kristen sze. >> i am eric thomas. >> and mike nicco will tell you about the chill. >> good morning, everyone. live doppler 7 hd shows a lack of cloud cover around san francisco and toward the east bay surely, as well.
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>> and the cloud cover is trying to move through san francisco and oakland. we are as clear as we will get as far as cloud cover. it will retreat back to the coast faster than yesterday. novato is quarter-mile visibility, and santa rosa half mile and temperatures nearing freezing is black ice could be an issue. oakland and san francisco are the warmest in the low-to-mid 40's and everyone else in the mid-to-upper 30's. a lost sunshine in the forecast and temperatures running 59 to 66. >> if you are waking up and up and about we have a sig-alert in effect and have for a couple of times, south 101, a second accident in the area and the left lane has been cleared and old accident in the right lane in the clearing phases and any moment it should be clear but you will find slow traffic headed out of san francisco. the other problem spot is southbound 680 on our app it is jammed. the accident is cleared and all lanes


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